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Business Directory

Click on the headings below to view local area businesses by category.

To suggest a business to be included in this directory

Please Contact the New Ulm Chamber of Commerce @

Farm and ranch supplies and service, plant nurseries, arborists, etc. 

Houses of worship and religious organizations in and around New Ulm. 

Listings for local area fine arts and crafts artists, organizations, galleries.

Government offices, services, and community organizations. 

Sales, and service relating to mechanical and automotive equipment.

Construction supplies and service, hardware stores, etc. 

Banks, insurance agencies, financial planning service providers.

Bed and breakfast establishments, wedding and other event venues. 

Restaurants and cafes, bars, stores that carry foodstuffs, and quick-service food and groceries. 

Providers of environmental services, surveyors, pool maintenance. 

Area hospitals, clinics, health and wellness service organizations and businesses.

Real estate agencies for residential, commercial, and rural properties. 

Area general stores, vendors of speciality goods and other retail establishments. 

Public and private utilities sales and service. Electric, gas, plumbing, water, storage units. 


Contact Us @ Our New Chamber Email Address:

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